Todd Wolfson

Software Engineer

March 11, 2013

Builder is a framework for automating common steps performed when rendering content on your client side.

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/Builder.min.js"></script>
// Demonstration of jQuery Builder

// Specify Jade as our template engine
Builder.set('template engine', jade.render);

// Register a few plugins

// Render our view via jQuery
var template = [
      '  input.datepicker',
      '  input.timepicker'
    $content = Builder(template);

// Content is a jQuery collection of #main
$content; // [<div id="main">]

// The children have also been rendered
$content.find('.datepicker'); // [<input class="datepicker">]

// and datepicker has already bound to the DOM and is visually represented

// the same goes for timepicker

Builder took a couple of iterations to get right. I have talked about this project before. However, with the open sourcing of Halo, I decided to step back and break it down just right.


From my perspective, client-side markup (HTML or otherwise), should encapsulate any and all interactive components. As a result, Builder was designed to handle anything you throw at it; from template rendering to plugin instantiation.

There are 4 steps which Builder runs through:

  1. Builder.before(fn); - Any alterations/instrumentation to perform on the input for Builder
  2. Builder.template(tmpl, data); - Parse template string through its engine. This would render Jade into HTML.
  3. Builder.domify(content); - Converts HTML into HTMLElements, jQuery elements, or whatever you choose.
  4. Builder.after(fn); - Any alterations/instrumentation to perform on the output of Builder

Builder can be tweaked to your liking and has presets which can be found in the Builder documentation.


Builder came out of a want to DRY up client side code. I saw the pattern and repetition present that the same template engine and jQuery plugins would be called over and over in different places.

I attempted to resolve the issue at first via Mason.js. This would act as a post-template processor, converting strings to DOM elements via its own custom markup.

It was extremely extensible and open however it was too many steps removed from the problem. Any and every jQuery plugin would need a custom wrapper and I sincerely disliked that.

After stepping back and thinking about it long enough, I came up with Builder which slowly grew into what you see today.

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