Todd Wolfson

Software Engineer

February 15, 2013

Update: I have discussed this issue with the authors of gruntjs. In the end, we agreed to disagree.

Dear gruntjs,

The following letter is about my thoughts and complaints of the recent upgrade from 0.3 to 0.4. Normally, I am enthusiastic about progression in the development world but this causes me much anger and frustration.


My name is Todd Wolfson, I am open source enthusiast who is a huge fan of grunt in its current 0.3 form.

I have a lot of respect for the work you have done on grunt and the collaboration it has caused for among the JavaScript community.

However, I feel that the proposed changes are a step in the wrong direction; undoing tons of man-hours not just in grunt plugins, but in every project that relies on grunt (at least 5k if stargazers holds true).


Changing interface without backwards compatibility

This honestly shocked me when I first heard about this. In fact, it shocked me so much that I was in denial until the date of writing this.

Since this is a minor update (as determined via semver), everything that worked before should continue to work. Clearly, since you are asking people to update their plugins, this is not the case.

Loss of elegance

This is the biggest pain point for me. It is why jQuery won and Dojo, YUI, MooTools, Prototype, and any others did not.

Task configuration

The new configuration interface is not as elegant nor as developer friendly as the previous one. For example,

var nonGruntConfig = {
  from: 'hello.js',
  to: 'world.js'

// grunt 0.3
var config = {
  src: nonGruntConfig.from,

// The src was

// grunt 0.4
var config = {};
config[nonGruntConfig.from] =;

// The src was
var srcs = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(config);

I understand that the new interface makes adding batch files a lot easier. However, it is much more common to declare separate tasks for different file sets than share common options (e.g. jade:pages jade:views).

On the same note, the jshint plugin solved that problem much more gracefully in terms of interface.

Task registration

Tasks are registered as no longer single line strings. This was what made me fall in love with grunt. I hate the code bloat caused by ', ' and that rocked my world.

It is okay if the framework does the heavy lifting; that is what frameworks are meant to do.

Removing baked-in goodness

jquip, YUI, and ExtJS have gotten some traction but never any huge growth since they don't have batteries included.

However, grunt should be a framework for everything and more.

Batteries included

Your decision to abandon common tasks is a foolish one.

node comes with modules baked-in (e.g. http, fs) because it reduces the barrier to entry for everyone and lets you hit the ground running.

Easy extensibility

Programming in extensibility into applications is a great way to help out other developers that want to tweak modules for one-offs without forking.

The helper API was wonderful for this; virtually no barrier to entry and rich reusability once parts were registered.

The decision to remove this is short-sighted and causes a lot more pain/frustration for developers. It doubles the amount of maintenance and once again is at the cost of the developer and not the framework.

Finishing thoughts

You are not make.

You are not rake.

You are not cake.

You are better than this. Be proud of who you are. You don't need to change. You don't need to conform.



Todd Wolfson

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