Todd Wolfson

Software Engineer

March 30, 2017

This article was originally published on Medium:

When I started dogfooding Find Work, I found an annoying invisible issue. Try to spot it in the screenshot below:

Notification reference screenshot

Can’t spot it? Here’s a similar issue that I caught/fixed in development:

Top bar reference screenshot

To prevent spoilers, I’ll provide some visual spacers:















Here’s the answer: Our notification container was taking up full width and blocking the "Menu" button:

Notification before highlight screenshot

In the development example, it was our menu button’s container overlaying our logo link:

Top bar before highlight screenshot

How do we prevent future regressions for these and similar problems? I can think of a few options:

  • JS based test: Load the page in a browser/browser-like environment and verify the container width is not the full page width
  • Visual test: Highlight container and guarantee it only takes up the space it needs

I prefer taking the visual test route as it’s simpler (i.e. add a CSS rule) and more intuitive for a developer. The screenshots above are from our visual test suite. Here’s our visual test in Gemini:

gemini.suite('menu-collapsed', function (child) {
  // Navigate to a page that loads our notification

    // Add highlight to container via CSS
    .before(function addOverlayHighlights (actions, find) {
      actions.executeJS(function handleExecuteJS (window) {
        var document = window.document;
          '#notification-container { background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3); }',

    // Capture across all of our resolutions
    .capture('default-large', geminiUtils.resizeLarge)
    .capture('default-medium', geminiUtils.resizeMedium)
    .capture('default-small', geminiUtils.resizeSmall);

Here are the fixed results from our visual tests:

Notification after highlight screenshot

Top bar after highlight screenshot


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