Todd Wolfson

Software Engineer

April 21, 2015

Normal spritesheet

Retina spritesheet

spritesmith now supports retina spritesheets in its grunt and gulp flavors:

In this article, we will walk through getting set up with both the grunt and gulp flavors.

Grunt example


In a retina spritesheet project, we have 2 sets of images:

Normal images are images that are showed to any user with a non-retina display.

Fork sprite GitHub sprite Twitter sprite

Retina images are duplicate images that are twice as large (scaled 2x) for retina displays.

Retina fork sprite Retina github sprite Retina twitter sprite

When viewed, retina images are scaled down to the same size as the normal images to provide a higher pixel density.


For you to follow along, we have created a gist with the images and configuration we are working with:

We will set up a Gruntfile.js with the following config:

module.exports = function (grunt) {
  // Configure our grunt tasks
    sass: {
      main: {
        // Compile our SCSS which relies on the SCSS from spritesmith
        src: 'index.scss',
        dest: 'dist/index.scss'
    sprite: {
      main: {
        // Include all normal and `-2x` (retina) images
        //   e.g. `github.png`, `github-2x.png`
        src: ['*.png'],

        // Filter out `-2x` (retina) images to separate spritesheet
        //   e.g. `github-2x.png`, `twitter-2x.png`
        retinaSrcFilter: ['*-2x.png'],

        // Generate a normal and a `-2x` (retina) spritesheet
        dest: 'dist/spritesheet.png',
        retinaDest: 'dist/spritesheet-2x.png',

        // Generate SCSS variables/mixins for both spritesheets
        destCss: 'sprites.scss'

  // Load in our task dependencies

Additionally, we will set up a SCSS file that relies on the compiled SCSS from spritesmith:

// Load in our compiled SCSS variables
@import 'sprites.scss';

// Generate sprite rules and media queries
@include retina-sprites($retina-groups);

sprite config

The src parameter is an array of globs/filepaths to our images that we will be combining into a spritesheet. When we are generating a retina spritesheet, we include all normal and retina images via src. We will separate the retina ones via a filter later on.

We provide all images via src to guarantee support for plugins like grunt-newer which require observing all origin images.

src: ['*.png'],

The retinaSrcFilter is how we tell apart normal images from retina images. This is an array of globs/filepaths like src. It is intended to match filepaths of retina images only.

retinaSrcFilter: ['*-2x.png'],

The dest and retinaDest parameters are filepaths to where our normal and retina spritesheets should be saved to respectfully.

dest: 'dist/spritesheet.png',
retinaDest: 'dist/spritesheet-2x.png',

The destCss parameter is a filepath to where we save our spritesheet variables/mixins. When being used for a retina task this will include normal sprites, retina sprites, and their groupings.

destCss: 'sprites.scss'

Compiled result

To yield our result, we will compile the spritesheet once and then generate CSS from that.

We prefer to keep these separate since recompiling sprites on every CSS generation is costly in terms of time.

# Generate our spritesheets
grunt sprite

# Compile our CSS
grunt sass

The final results are:


Normal spritesheet

Retina spritesheet


.fork {
  background-image: url(dist/spritesheet.png);
  background-position: 0px 0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px; }
  @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) {
    .fork {
      background-image: url(dist/spritesheet-2x.png);
      background-size: 64px 64px; } }

.github {
/* ... */

More documentation and details can be found in the grunt-spritesmith documentation.

gulp example


In a retina spritesheet project, we have 2 sets of images:

Normal images are images that are showed to any user with a non-retina display.

Fork sprite GitHub sprite Twitter sprite

Retina images are duplicate images that are twice as large (scaled 2x) for retina displays.

Retina fork sprite Retina github sprite Retina twitter sprite

When viewed, retina images are scaled down to the same size as the normal images to provide a higher pixel density.


For you to follow along, we have created a gist with the images and configuration we are working with:

We will set up a gulpfile.js with the following config:

// Load in our dependencies
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith');

// Define our tasks
gulp.task('sass', function generateSass () {
gulp.task('sprite', function generateSpritesheets () {
  // Use all normal and `-2x` (retina) images as `src`
  //   e.g. `github.png`, `github-2x.png`
  var spriteData = gulp.src('*.png')
      // Filter out `-2x` (retina) images to separate spritesheet
      //   e.g. `github-2x.png`, `twitter-2x.png`
      retinaSrcFilter: '*-2x.png',

      // Generate a normal and a `-2x` (retina) spritesheet
      imgName: 'spritesheet.png',
      retinaImgName: 'spritesheet-2x.png',

      // Generate SCSS variables/mixins for both spritesheets
      cssName: 'sprites.scss'

  // Deliver spritesheets to `dist/` folder as they are completed

  // Deliver CSS to `./` to be imported by `index.scss`

Additionally, we will set up a SCSS file that relies on the compiled SCSS from spritesmith:

// Load in our compiled SCSS variables
@import 'sprites.scss';

// Generate sprite rules and media queries
@include retina-sprites($retina-groups);

sprite conifg

All images, both normal and retina, are imported via the same gulp.src mechanism. We will separate the retina ones via a filter later on.

var spriteData = gulp.src('*.png')

The retinaSrcFilter is how we tell apart normal images from retina images. This should be a glob as with gulp.src. This filter is intended to match filepaths of retina images only.

retinaSrcFilter: '*-2x.png',

The imgName and retinaimgName parameters indicate what we should name our normal and retina spritesheets respectfully.

imgName: 'spritesheet.png',
retinaImgName: 'spritesheet-2x.png',

The cssName paramter indiciates what to name our file containing spritesheet variables/mixins. When being used for a retina task this will include normal sprites, retina sprites, and their groupings.

cssName: 'sprites.scss'

Compiled result

To yield our result, we will compile the spritesheet once and then generate CSS from that.

We prefer to keep these separate since recompiling sprites on every CSS generation is costly in terms of time.

# Generate our spritesheets
gulp sprite

# Compile our CSS
gulp sass

The final results are:


Normal spritesheet

Retina spritesheet


.fork {
  background-image: url(spritesheet.png);
  background-position: 0px 0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px; }
  @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) {
    .fork {
      background-image: url(spritesheet-2x.png);
      background-size: 64px 64px; } }

.github {
/* ... */

More documentation and details can be found in the gulp.spritesmith documentation.


GitHub and Twitter icons were taken from Alex Peattie's JustVector Social Icons.

Fork designed by P.J. Onori from The Noun Project

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